If you'd like to place an order for shipping or pick-up, text Rose at (808) 342-5436. Include your name and the product(s) you'd to be ship or pick up. Thank you!
- Muscle Pills To Gain Thick Muscle
- NOS Pills To Get Bigger & Leaner
- Reset Pills To Optimize Hormone Levels
Want to get Huge and Ripped?
Pack Your Physique With Massive Amounts Of Ripped Muscle!
Line One Nutrition® has everything you need to pack on massive, hard, ripped muscle. How do you do it? Line One makes it possible to achieve a competition level physique through the Line One Nutrition® Ultimate Cycle®, a 3-month program that begins with 2 months of intense Building and Maturing of Muscle, 30 days of Hormone Optimization to retain your gains, and a final month of Fat Burning to showcase your new physique.
3 Supplements over Two Months for a Ultimate Results
If you are not overweight or obese and are looking to pack on muscle, our 3-step program is what you need. It is the ultimate pro-hormone cycle. First, start with our Mass Pills ® and take as directed for 4 weeks to gain massive thick muscle. Next use Muscle Pills ® for another 4 weeks to get even bigger and leaner and further solidify your muscle gains. Then, you take Reset Pills™ to re-balance and optimize your hormone levels while retaining your hard earned muscle.
The Line One Nutrition ® Ultimate Cycle®… 3-bottles and 3 months that will change your physique, and change your life.
The Line One Nutrition® Ultimate Cycle® includes one (1) bottle of Mass Pills®, one (1) bottle of Muscle Pills®, and one (1) bottle of Reset Pills®. Three Supplements used over Three Months for Ultimate Results!

Ultimate Cycle Results
Justin went on the Ultimate Cycle ® in preparation for a bodybuilding contest. See the Results below.

Congratulations to Justin for winning 3rd in the Novice Light Heavy Division of the GNC sponsored NPC Culver City Classic in Los Angeles, CA

Ultimate Cycle Results
Greg before using the Ultimate Cycle ® and showing awesome results after the Muscle Pills ® stage in the cycle.
Here Are Greg's Stats
Starting weight: 143lbs
After Mass Pills ®: 154lbs
After Muscle Pills ®: 150lbs
Waist 30 to 28 inches
Quad 21 to 22 inches
Arms 16.5 to a full 17 inches
Calves 12.5 to 13.5 inches
Forearm 11 to 12 inches

Brandon Worden
Ultimate Cycle Results
Brandon before and after using the Ultimate Cycle showing amazing results!
Warning: Although our supplements do not contain banned ingredients, if you are a professional or amateur athlete subject to performance enhancing substance testing, do not use these products unless cleared by your sanctioning body as it may cause a false reactive result for a urine or blood drug test.