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Liposomal products are designed to achieve a 99% absorption rate, achieved through both a fat-soluble coating and water-soluble coating of the supplement to bypass the liver and be immediately shuttled into the bloodstream. Normally, oral supplements have to pass through the liver at least 3 times before actually entering the bloodstream; by the time that happens you're only utilizing 33% of the supplement.
SuperStrol-7 is the latest prohormone from Blackstone Labs. Androgenic and anabolic, SuperStrol-7 will provide lean and dry muscle growth for both men and women. Add this to any cycle to increase your results in athletic performance and strength.
100mg Epiandrosterone is an anabolic compound which converts into the natural male hormone “DiHydroTestosterone” or “Stanolone”. Epiandrosterone is non-methylated and as a result will put little to no stress on the user’s liver. DHT is five times more Androgenic than testosterone. As a dry compound, users will experience lean muscle gains while also increasing lipolysis (fat loss).
50mg (25r)-5alpha-spirostan-2alpha, 3beta, 5alpha-triol-6-OH is an adaptogen capable of activating a wide range of anabolic processes, such as promoting lean muscle growth by increasing nitrogen retention and proteins synthesis while also lowering body fat levels and improving sleep for better recovery and improving mental acuity.