SUPER 23 (S-23)
SUPER 23 (S-23)
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Super23 (S-23) Sarm by Matrix Labs provides 60x 15mg S-23. Pharmaceutical Grade Quality
Similar to other SARMs, S-23 affects muscle and bone tissue and primarily produces anabolic results in these regions. The great thing about S-23 is that it doesn’t come with the side-effects that are caused by most SARMs in the market.
- Helps Build Lean Muscle Mass
- Increases Strength and Stamina
- Helps with Fat Loss
- Shows Minimal Water Retention
- Develops a Hard Muscle Aesthetic
S-23 has been shown to help build lean body mass, and those who’ve taken it have reported better gain retention after finishing their cycle.
S-23 users also report experiencing a significant increase in endurance, speed, and stamina whenever they’re cycling this SARM. This means harder, meaner and longer workouts that actually produce results.
S-23 gives you the opportunity to optimize high-intensity workouts thanks to innate fat-burning and lean muscle building properties.
The only downside of taking S-23 is that it can increase anger. According to one user, this could be due to the level of intensity with which one approaches workouts when taking S-23.
Another benefit of taking S-23 is the fact that it helps with fat loss as well as fat oxidization.
In fact, a study that was done on rats showed that giving them S-23 reduced the rats’ body fat percentage while increasing bone mineral density and lean muscle mass. The study also shows that taking S-23 in high dosages increases its fat-burning properties significantly, which leads to a massive decrease in body fat.
Users report that S-23 doesn’t lead to any bloating or water retention, which means that they were able to maintain their gains even after they were done cycling S-23. As a result, many bodybuilders use S-23 during the cutting phase as they find it most beneficial during this stage.
If you want to build grainy-looking muscles, then you should definitely consider taking S-23 during the cutting phase. It’s worth noting that getting the type of hard muscle aesthetic that S-23 delivers is not something you can do with conventional steroids, which is why most bodybuilders prefer taking S-23 in preparation for competitions and events.
The good news is that this side effect doesn’t last and will become completely reversed once you’ve completed your cycle on S-23
However, it’s even more important to do so with S-23 because the level of suppression it causes could lead to a total shutdown. That means you need to undergo a very rigorous PCT to get your endocrine system functioning optimally again because it’s really powerful and quite similar to steroids in its effects.