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Product Description
Yamamoto® Nutrition EndoPRO BAR is a high protein vegan bar, covered with dark chocolate. Thanks to pea proteins, ENDOPRO BAR is particularly suitable for sportsmen, in fact protein contributes to a growth and the maintenance of muscle mass. A varied and balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle are important.
EndoPRO BAR consists of approximately 25% pea protein isolate. Pea proteins are now a possible plant-based alternative to the more common protein supplements, such as whey proteins and egg white proteins.
The raw material for the production of pea protein powder is yellow pea. This small legume is one of the most protein-rich vegetables and to make the path from pea to protein powder as natural and delicate as possible, the protein fraction is concentrated using a water-based process. The result: pea protein isolate, a fine powder with a light yellow color.
What are the advantages of pea protein over other protein sources?
Meat and eggs contain saturated fat, extra calories and cholesterol.
Whey can cause bloating, gas, and other digestive problems.
Some whey protein supplements even contain useless and not at all dietary ingredients such as guar gum, xanthan, carrageenan, palm oil.
Soy is an allergen and contains compounds that mimic estrogen.
With so many side effects from these protein sources, people naturally seek other means of obtaining the nutrients.
Some take protein capsules, others add plant-based vegan protein powder to their drinks or meals.
In this, pea protein powder is really the ideal alternative.
What are the advantages of EndoPRO BAR?
Protein bar made up of approximately 25% isolated pea proteins
- 100% vegan bar
- Without collagen
- Palm oil free
The EndoPRO bar is an excellent snack with a high protein content: with a dark chocolate coating, it is a truly nutritious snack designed for lovers of taste but without remorse and to be enjoyed anywhere. If you are looking for a tasty alternative with which to get the proteins you need, try EndoPRO BAR! The vegan bar, 100% natural, with 13 grams of pea protein isolate.