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Yamamoto Nutrition’s FreaKER is a 30% protein bar with a very high biological value that is complete, balanced, tasty, satiating and available in 13 delicious flavours. From a dietary point of view, it is the ideal option for a handy yet nutritious snack: it contains 14 g of milk proteins per bar and an innovative formulation from ingredients to topping, as well as containing no palm oil, soya proteins, hydrogenated fats, polyalcohols, or hydrolysed collagen.
It is the ideal snack to satisfy both the palate and the body: by providing plastic material to the skeletal muscle, FreaKER effectively counteracts muscle catabolism, restoring energy reserves at the end of a training session and distributing the protein portion of the diet throughout the day.
The bars are a real MUST for any athlete: one of the most practical ways to recharge your energy, pocket-sized, single-serving FreaKER bars are formulated to meet the most diverse needs, helping you satisfy your dietary requirements and give you the right boost for your workouts.
What are the nutritional characteristics of FreaKER?
The macronutrients of FreaKER are distributed as follows: 19 g of carbohydrates, 14 g of protein and 7.5g of fat, for a total of about 200 kCal.
Who is FreaKER suitable for?
Everyone, both athletes and non-athletes. It is a complete, balanced and satiating bar, rich in protein with a very high biological value, making it suitable for anyone who wants to take a nutritious break without compromising on taste.