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No Clump. All Pump.
Simple but effective. Pump² is a killer addition to any pre-workout ritual. This flavorless, 1 ingredient product can be stacked with your favorite supplements to enhance pumps. The reason this ingredient is sold separately is due to the fact that it naturally clumps together.
Are you ready for extreme pumps?
Our PUMP² formula is made with a superior, more stable form of glycerol called Glycersize. This patented ingredient will further enhance all the hydrating, muscle-pumping benefits of our signature PUMP formula without any unwanted clumping or chalking problems. Use these two supplements together to elevate your workouts and give your body the fuel it needs for peak performance every time.
Mix with Raw PRE, PRE Extreme or Raw Pump for even greater benefit!
GlycerSize hydrates thirsty muscle tissue allowing it to become larger and fuller. These ingredients in combination with our blend of agmatine sulfate, l-citrulline malate, l-taurine, and sodium deliver superior pumps over traditional pre-workouts. Pair up your Pump2 With our RAW Pump to deliver the best blood flow and pumps during your training sessions.
Key Ingredients
GlycerSize enhances hydration status of muscle tissue allowing it to become larger, and fuller, along with promoting increased endurance and recovery.