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The Basal Burn formula fills in any gaps not covered by Lean Pills, and together, they rev up your Metabolic Rate like never before; decreasing hunger, and increasing carnitine levels!
- Lean Pills To Shred & Expose Muscle
- Basal Pills 24-hour Non-Stim Fat Burner
Rev Up Your Metabolic Rate
Fast Track Results with Line One Nutrition's® Burn Stack®
Line One Nutrition creator of Lean Pills, one of the top selling fat burners on the market today, and for years it’s been our primary fat burning product.
Lean Pills formula contains stimulants that studies show can burn fat in multiple ways and also give you a needed energy boost on lower calories. BUT… we want to provide as many tools as possible to optimize metabolism and assist the body in achieving recomposition goals. You can achieve this by adding our strategically formulated no-stim fat burner BASAL BURN™. The name says it all… and TOGETHER, they make up our new BURN STACK!
The Line One Nutrition Burn Stack includes one (1) bottle of Basal Burn®, and one (1) bottle of Lean Pills®.
Warning: Although our supplements do not contain banned ingredients, if you are a professional or amateur athlete subject to performance enhancing substance testing, do not use these products unless cleared by your sanctioning body as it may cause a false reactive result for a urine or blood drug test.