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Blackstone Labs Anesthetized
All the Sleep Support You Need!
Every person needs sleep. And it’s even more important if you are an athlete, bodybuilder or fitness enthusiast. But with all the sleep supplements available on the market today, which one to choose. Blackstone Labs has the answer. Anesthetized.
More Sleep = More Growth
Being an athlete, one of the most important parts of growing is getting sleep. This is when you recover and when your muscles grow. Without rest, you will not reach the potential of all the workouts you have been doing. Anesthetized has scientifically proven itself to improve the speed to which you can fall asleep. It also helps you reach REM much quicker than normal. This is the most important stage of sleep to get into so you get optimal muscle gains.
No athlete or bodybuilder should be training without Anesthetized!
Benefits: This will Help You Sleep!
- Potent Sleep Aid
- Delicious Flavor
- Great Mixibility
- Promotes REM sleep
- Wake up feeling Reenergized
Supplement Facts:
Serving Size: 11 Grams (1 Scoop)
Servings per container: 25
4-Aminobutanoic Acid, (RS)-4-Amino-3-Phenyl-Butyric Acid, 4(pyridine-3carbonylyamino) Butanoic Acid, L-Taurine, Mucuna Pruiens 15% L-Dopa, Valerian Root Extract, N-Acetyl L-Tyrosin 9.5 Grams
Other Ingredients: Maltodextrin, Citric Acid, Erythriol, Natural & Artificial Flavors, Sucralose, Silicon Dioxide, Acesulfame K, FD&C Yellow #5.
Directions & Dosage:
Blackstone Labs recommends that you mix 1 scoop of Anesthetized with 8-20 ouces of cold water. Drink this about 30min before bed time. To access your tolerance to Anesthetized, start by taking 1/2 scoop the first few days. Then gradually move up to 1 full scoop. One bottle will give you enough for 25 nights of restful sleep